1. What is custom interior?
To make car interior of our own choice.
2. What does it cover in custom interior basic?
- Seat covers
- Door Pads
- Steering Cover
- Matts
- Gear boot
- Cushion
- Roof lining
- Pillar lining
- Dash Board padding
- Armrest & console paddingLighting Job
- Plastic color Job
3. Who are target customers?
-3 to 4 years used car who don’t want to sell car is target customer.
-New car having their own choice of interior
4. How to share interior design to customers?
5 design & 10 color combinations. Select design 1st & then select color combination as per their interior & base color
5. What are steps to do interior?
- Take Pictures of interior
- Order all products to be installed
- When all items delivered to our store, then only will call car –
- Give a time of 10 days to customer. 7 days for installation, 1 day
- & 2 days for rectification
- Take a photograph & video with client testimonial –
- Invite more customer to display your job
6. What if a car comes to us & company don’t have measurement?
Remove OEM covers & install towel covers temporary. Take a wasted leather & take doorpad measurement from it. Post this you have to order lose cloth & do it yourself with the help of stitcher & lining experts.
7. What if seats have airbag installed?
There is no problem to install seat cover in air bag seats. Just to install professional which will be given training.