
Filmshoppee Franchise Support: Always enhancing Customer Experience

Franchise Opportunity

In the competitive world of automotive aftermarket services, where precision and excellence are paramount, Filmshoppee stands out as a beacon of expertise and innovation. With over 15 years of proven experience, Filmshoppee has become synonymous with top-tier services in car wrapping, cosmetic restoration, audio enhancements, and more. As we continue to expand our reach, our franchise support system emerges as a cornerstone of success, ensuring seamless operations and unparalleled customer satisfaction.

  1. Customized ERP Solution for Account, Inventory and Payroll :
    Central to our franchise support system is the development of a customized software solution tailored specifically to the needs of our franchisees. .
  2. Quotation in Cloud:
    Our software allows franchisees to create quotations directly in the cloud, ensuring accessibility and real-time updates.
  3. Job Card Assigning & PDI Management:
    With our software, job card assignment and PDI management become seamlessly integrated into the operational workflow. Franchisees can efficiently assign tasks, track progress, and manage pre-delivery inspections, ensuring that every job meets the highest standards of quality and satisfaction.
  4. Digital Catalog in Cloud:
    To give presentation we have made catalog with pricing and it is in cloud, company will update periodical
  5. Carwise Data Management:
    Effective data management is essential for success in the automotive industry. Our software facilitates efficient data collection of carwise will save lot of time when client ask what else can be done in my car 
  6. CRM:

This helps in service maintenance and sales follow up 

  1. Automated whats app ApI with chatbots

This helps in automate marketing funnel to automate sales leads  

Our softwares make smooth sales and service operation :
One of the key advantages of our custom software is its adaptability to the unique requirements of each franchise location. Whether it’s customizing quotations, managing inventory, or tracking customer data, our software can be tailored to meet specific demands, ensuring flexibility and scalability across the franchise network. This personalized approach empowers franchisees to optimize their operations and deliver personalized service to their clientele.

Beyond operational efficiency, our franchise support system extends to comprehensive training and ongoing assistance. We provide extensive training programs covering technical skills, customer service, and business management, equipping franchisees with the knowledge and expertise needed to thrive in the automotive industry. Additionally, our dedicated support team is always available to provide guidance and assistance, ensuring that franchisees receive the support they need at every step of their journey.

By investing in Filmshoppee franchise, entrepreneurs gain access to a proven business model backed by industry-leading support and cutting-edge technology. Our franchise support system is designed to empower entrepreneurs to achieve their business goals while upholding the highest standards of quality and professionalism. With Filmshoppee, franchisees can embark on a journey of success in the dynamic world of automotive aftermarket services.

From our innovative software solutions to comprehensive training programs, we are committed to empowering franchisees to deliver exceptional service and exceed customer expectations. Join us in revolutionizing the automotive aftermarket services landscape and unleash your entrepreneurial potential with Filmshoppee – Inquire Now For franchise 

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